The IDS has published reports of its activities since 1954. From the early days as a short pamphlet recording meetings, visits and membership, this is now a beautifully produced book containing valued articles on dendrology and dendrologists around the world.
Written by members for members, each year the Society reports on the activities of our Operating Committees (Scientific & Education; Tours; Trees and Shrubs Online) as well as those of junior members groups and others. A section on Dendrology includes the Tree of the Year with an in-depth study of a species, together with articles of botanical interest and importance. Reports of the members' tours are supported by 'The IDS Around the World' with fascinating accounts from our international members. The Society's Study Day reports offer a good insight into the wealth of knowledge that can be gained from attending these events.
Some of the contents are available on this website, and there are links above. Members have access to all publications both as hard copies and downloadable electronic files. We are developing our digital archive and hope to be able to offer a fully searchable source in 2026.